It’s important to drop the ball and not throw it downward. Repeat 5 times and record bounce height for each of your 5 trials. In this examination you will analyze the motion. Images gathered through experimentation show that the fluid reacts more quickly to the impact than the sphere, which decouples the two masses (fluid and sphere), imparts energy to the fluid, and removes rebound energy from the sphere. Have a partner drop the rubber ball from the 25 centimeter mark and record the height of the first bounce in a table like the one below. We analyze the diffusive dynamics by classifying the attracting sets and by working out a simple random walk approximation for diffusion, which is systematically refined by using a Green–Kubo formula. You can look at free-falling bodies as objects being dropped from some height or thrown vertically upward. In addition, there exist irregularities on finer scales that are due to higher-order dynamical correlations pointing towards a fractal structure of this curve. Computer simulations show that the diffusion coefficient of this system is a highly irregular function of the vibration frequency exhibiting pronounced maxima whenever there are resonances between the vibration frequency and the average time of flight of a particle. We had a racquetball so ours had a pretty high rebound height. Drop the ball from various heights and measure the initial drop height, h i, and the maximum rebound height which I will call height final, h f. To do this we dropped a ball at predetermined heights on a meter stick, and took a video to measure the rebound height of the ball. In other words, think all the way through your hypothetical lab before answering these questions. Here we choose circular scatterers that are very shallow, hence this billiard is a deterministic diffusive version of the well-known bouncing ball problem on a flat vibrating plate. The first lab we did in AP physics was to examine the relationship between the drop height and rebound height of a ball. We call a system bouncing ball billiard if it consists of a particle that is subject to a constant vertical force and bounces inelastically on a one-dimensional vibrating periodically corrugated floor. asked at 8:59 Benjamin Cherian 41 1 2 Add a comment 5 Answers Sorted by: 2 When a ball bounces, it is deformed at the contact point to become a compressed spring, having almost all of the kinetic energy converted to spring compression, as the velocity downward goes to zero. of and in to a - was is for on that as with ) ( by s it he at from his an are : this be were has or which but i have not they had one their also.